Free Online Course on STEM Education

Improve your communication skills when delivering practical activities in STEM subjects and volunteering with young people.

Improve your communication skills and confidence volunteering with young people

Engaging young people through practical STEM activities is a proven way to get young people excited about STEM subjects, a passion that may lead to further learning and greater awareness about STEM careers.

On this course you will learn how to improve your communication with young people as a volunteer. You will build your confidence in presenting and collaborating so that you’re able to carry out activities that help young people develop an enjoyment of STEM subjects.

What will you achieve?

By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to…

  • Demonstrate effective verbal and non-verbal communication with young people.
  • Demonstrate appropriate use of presentation, collaboration and discussion techniques to inspire young people to continue with STEM subjects or STEM careers.
  • Develop their confidence, skills and ability to do practical activities with young people.

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