ASEAN Energy Youth Award 2020

Applications call for ASEAN Energy Youth Award 2020.

The ASEAN Centre for Energy (ACE) is pleased to announce the 1st ASEAN Energy Youth Award in recognition of young educators’ valuable contribution to nation-building, sustainable development, and energy transition. The program aims to

  • Promote sustainable energy development in the ASEAN Member States.
  • Encourage all the youth of the ASEAN Member States to express their perspectives, insights, and innovative ideas for enhancing energy security, energy access, and affordability in a sustainable way.
  • Engage the youth sector by using their creativity and innovation to develop an awareness of clean energy and a sustainable environment.


  • The winners and runner-up will be invited at the AEBF, AMEM, Gala Dinner in Vietnam and awarded with Trophies presented by the BOJ.
  • All the applicants will receive a certificate from ACE.

Basic Rules 

  • The applicants should submit their works in English, together with the personal details such as CV, Student ID Card, or other personal details related.
  • Submission depicting violence, sexism, racism, or other inappropriate content such as smoking, drinking, or other vices, including messaging deemed to advocate curtailment of the rights of others, will be disqualified.
  • Each individual or team is strongly encouraged to have a social media account for promoting ASEAN Centre for Energy.


  • The award is open to ASEAN young educators.
  • The award is open to enrolled High School and University/College (bachelor’s degree) Students.
  • The award is eligible for both individual and team.
  • Each school can submit an entry into 3 categories. However, the individual /team can only participate in 1 category.

The Guideline Manual is available here to use it as the reference by the Applicants of the ASEAN Member States joining the ASEAN Energy Youth Award 2020.

The post ASEAN Energy Youth Award 2020 appeared first on The Pakistan Post.

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