The African World Heritage Fund Conservation Grants 2020

The African World Heritage Fund calls application for Conservation Grants 2020.

The African World Heritage Fund (AWHF) is an intergovernmental organization created in 2006 to support the effective conservation and promotion of the cultural and natural heritage of outstanding universal value in Africa. The main objective of the AWHF is to address the challenges faced by African State Parties in the implementation of the Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage, specifically, the underrepresentation of African sites on the World Heritage List and the insufficient conservation and management of these sites Each year, AWHF provides conservation grants to African State Parties to implement projects and activities which focus on improving the sustainability and state of conservation of World Heritage.

Research Grant

The African World Heritage Fund (AWHF) proudly presents Moses Mapesa1 Research Grant to support African Doctoral and Masters Students in the field of natural and cultural heritage. The AWHF was launched in 2006 in South Africa to support African State Parties in the implementation of the UNESCO Convention of 1972 concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage (World Heritage Convention). Please view our website ( for full information. This research grant seeks to further research (particularly supporting fieldwork) on World Heritage and tentative listed sites in Africa.


The call is open to students who are:

  • Currently or will be registered in 2021 in a Doctoral or Masters program (Masters 2 for Francophone countries) at an African university and conducting dissertation research in the field of either natural or cultural heritage.
  • Fluent in English, French, or Portuguese.
  • Citizens of an African Union Member State which is a party to the World Heritage Convention.

Click here to access further information on Eligibility – English Eligibility Form and French Eligibility Form and click here for the Application forms – English Application Form and French Application Form

Candidates must send the application form on latest on the 31 July 2020 via email to [email protected]

The post The African World Heritage Fund Conservation Grants 2020 appeared first on The Pakistan Post.

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