Lahti International Poster Triennial 2021 in Finland

Applications call for Lahti International Poster Triennial 2021, an international poster exhibition in Finland 2021. The exact exhibition time will be confirmed by spring 2021 at the latest when the complete schedule for the new museum will be confirmed.


  • Environmental Posters (Lauri Tarasti Award)
  • Home and housing – wood in the home of sustainable development (Askon Foundation special award)
  • Non – profit, social and cultural posters


  • Grand Prize: 5000 €
  • Graphics Tapani Aartomaa Prix: 4000 €
  • Lauri Tarasti Prix for the environmental poster: 4000 €
  • Lahti Prix: 3000 €
  • Asko Foundation special award: 3000 €
  • Certificates of honor

In addition to that, the jury may distribute other prizes if desired.


  • All posters for Lahti International Poster Triennial 2021 2021 must be published after 1 January 2018.
  • The minimum size of approved posters is 42 x 60 cm and the maximum size is 120 x 180 cm. The Lahti Poster Museum reserves the right to exclude posters smaller or larger than these dimensions from the exhibition.
  • An artist or group of artists can upload up to 4 posters in electronic format to the web address
  • The competition committee selects the posters accepted for the exhibition from the electronic image files. The works approved for the exhibition of all series (A, B, and C) will be sent in paper versions to Lahti by 28 February 2021 at Lahti Poster Museum, PO Box 113, 15111 Lahti.
  • The poster must be in the following document format: Long page 3508 pixels JPG | RGB 300 dpi.

More information available here

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