Most times, requesting for a loan to complete your education is easily granted. However, paying back this debt can become a herculean task if you don’t get a good loan repayment option. Hence, this article on OSLA Student Loan Review to help you choose one of the best third-party services in Oklahoma.
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A functioning society makes sure that financial constraint is never a reason why students can’t complete their higher education. In fact in developed countries, loans are made available for all who have any form of financial constraint.
Also, third party agencies are established to help collect these loans from students during payback time. OSLA is one of the third-party services that earn a living by collecting student loans.
For Okhloama students, getting a third-party servicer to help service student loans is an easy task. This is because OSLA is one of the most reliable and has been in existence for 40 years. So, this article will analyze the OSLA Student Loan Review and prove its legitimacy. It will also answer other frequently asked questions about OSLA.
What is OSLA Student Loan?
Basically, OSLA is an acronym that stands for the Oklahoma Student Loan Authority. It is one of the third party agencies that help students with a loan repayment plan. This simply means that OSLA as a loan servicer earns a living by collecting back federal loans given to students to complete their education.
The Oklahoma Student Loan Authority is a federal student loan servicer that creates loan repayment options to help students manage and repay their loans. It finds a common ground for debtors and offers them the best platform to repay all their loans without paying through their noses or always being without money.
In 1972, a public trust which is now known as OSLA was established. So, OSLA has been in existence for about 40 years. Within this period of existence, OSLA student loans have serviced Federal Direct and Federal family Educations Loans FFEl for over 130, 000 student borrowers.
Interestingly, OSLA Loans can help service your loans regardless of your location even though it was originally established for Oklahoma’s students or students in Oklahoma.
What does OSLA Do?
Like earlier posited, OSLA is a third party servicing company that helps students with the best loan repayment option available to them. It is basically, a middleman between the dept. Education and borrowers of federal student loans.
In a nutshell, OSLA is charged with the responsibility of processing student loan paperwork, collecting payments, and helping borrowers manage their loans. Obviously, in carrying out the above responsibility, they also enlighten borrowers on their eligibility status for a loan discharge or forgiveness.
In addition, they also teach their borrowers the possibilities of student loan deferment and forbearance while informing them about their ability to manage their payments. In fact, they support the various income-driven repayment plans offered by the federal government.
How Good is OSLA student Loan Consolidation?
First and foremost, a student loan consolidation allows you take a new loan to pay off other existing student loans. This will help you have just one loan repayment option instead of having two to three.
OSLA student loan offers a good student loan consolidation plan for students with federal loans. That is OSLA makes it possible for you to consolidate all your federal loans and make them just one.
This is one of the amazing reasons why you should choose OSLA as your loan servicing company. This consolidation plan allows you to make a single payment in a month as against two or three or even more. So, OSLA offers a good student loan consolidation plan.
How Long is OSLA Student Loan Repayment?
For OSLA loan authority, it is important you pay off your loan in a timely manner regardless of whether you received a degree or not. However, how long your repayment last is dependent on your repayment option.
There are about four repayments options with OSLA and they include:
- Standard Repayment
- Graduated Repayment
- Income sensitive repayment
- Income based repayment
- Extended repayment
- Refinance
Standard Repayment
This OSLA repayment plan allows you to pay off your debt in 10 years. You are expected to make a monthly minimum payment of $50 for a maximum of 120 months. However, how much you pay to offset your bill within these ten years with 50 a month depends on how much you owe.
Graduated repayment Plan
This OSLA repayment plan allows you pay a regular amount for 24 months after which there is an increment. This option also has a maximum repayment plan of ten years.
The fresh graduates should opt for this option that allows you pay little and more when your income must have significantly increased. n amount of money every month however, the amount increases by the number of payments you have made.
Income Sensitive Plan
This repayment plan by OSLA allows you pay a certain amount every month based on your total income for that month. So, this plan reviews your monthly income and total debt every year. From their analysis, a monthly bill will be given to borrowers. If you have a low monthly income, then you should consider this loan repayment option.
Income-Based Repayment Plan
This OSLA offered loan repayment option is available for borrowers with FFElP loans. This loan repayment option exceed ten years depending on how you owe and the number of times you experience a partial financial hardship.
This plan is effective from JULY 1, 2009.
How Do I pay My OSLA bills?
One of the ways OSLA stands out from other third party loan servicing companies is its different bill payment options.
You can remit your monthly, whether single or multiple using any of the platforms available to borrowers. You may choose to pay online, by mail or even with automatic payments.
Mailing Payments
It is important to note however, that you must include your OSLA account number on your payment when mailing your payment. To be ligiblle for this, your account must begin with the letter F or number 8.
For instance, if your number looks like this F800112200), you can mail your payment to:
US Department of Education – OSLA
P.O. Box 4278
Portland, OR 97208-4278
Online Payments
You can also decide to make payment of your monthly loan bill online. OSLA provides different online outlets for easy payment of bill. This means from the comfort of your home, you can transfer or make paymeent with your mastercard or visa auto teller machince card.
One of such online outlets include Doxo.com or fill out the Ez Authorization Form here.
For clarity on how to set up your online payment with OSLA, visit the website below.
How Do I Find Grace period On OSLA?
Basically, grace period is the period between when you graduate till when you must begin making payments. It could also mean the time from when you drop half-time enrollment till when you are expected to make your first payment.
Usually, this grace period last from anywhere between six months to nine months especially for federal student loans. However, in rare cases, your grace period may be elongated.
However, if OSLA is your loan servicer, upon request and payment plan you signed up for you to make get considerations during your hard financial times. This may not necessarily be a grace period, but you can also benefit from it.
How Do I Refinance OSLA Student Loan?
To refinance your loan means to take out a new loan to pay off an existing loan. This could be done for a number a=of reasons especially if you are looking at consolidating your loans, then, refincaning may be your option.
You should consider refinancing for the following reasons:
- To get a lower interest rate
- Refinancing lowers or reduces monthly payments
- You may get a shorter term of the loan
- Refinancing allows you to change from variable-rate to fixed-rate
- Refinancing allows you one or more of these benefits
To finance your OSla student loan, you may have to consider the term of your original loan and the new loan. Refinancing majorly can help you save a few dollars especially if the interest rate has fallen since you took the old loan.
You must also bear in mind that once a federal loan is refinanced it becomes a private loan. This simply means you will lose eligibility for any form of forbearance, loan forgiveness, or discharge available for federal loans.
How To Log in On OSLA Student Loan?
Once you sign up with OSLA student loan, you can access your account with your username and password. Basically, you must first register an account with OSLA. This will grant you due information on your monthly payment, interest rate, and repayment options.
To login to OSLA, you must register an account. It is important, however, that you have your social security number handy alongside a functional email address and your date of birth.
Once you enter these details, you should proceed to create a password you can remember. To complete your registration, fill out a form on a security check and click to confirm the information you have given.
If your registration is successful, you will be able to log in using the exact username and password you filled in earlier. To login on your OSLA account is quite easy. So, click the button below to register.
How to Change Your Name on OSLA
Basically, your social security number will display your first name and surname once you register on the portal. There may not be any need to change your name.
However, if for any reason for you to change your name, simply, contact OSLA customer service either on the website or through any of these platforms.
Mail: Email: MilitaryBenefits@osla.org.
Telephone: 844.835.7484.
FAX: 855.813.2224. or visit their website @ public.osla.org
How to Defer OSLA Student Loans
Student loans can be placed in deferment when a borrower is experiencing true financial hardship. Loan deferment is a process that allows you to stop making monthly payments temporarily for federal student loans.
However, you must meet the eligibility requirement below to qualify for loan deferment.
- You must be enrolled at least half-time as a student
- You must have stayed three years or more without employment or in your economic hardship.
- When you’re on active military duty during the war, a military operation, or a national emergency
- You are disabled or caring for someone who is disabled
- You are on leave from work due to pregnancy or while caring for your newborn child or newly-adopted child
Is OSLA Student Loan Review Legit or a Scam?
Well, you may not have total control over your loan service provider if you have a federal loan. Except, you decide to refinance your federal loan, the federal government takes care of assigning a service loan provider.
However, it is important to have first-class information on your service provider. One basic way to garner accurate information is by researching and reading reviews.
For OSLA, reviews have shown that OSLA is legit and no scam. It is important that this service provider has been in existence for 40 years.
Reviews from borrowers show that OSLA has great customer service skills that result in its customer satisfaction being significantly high across a number of areas.
Actually, if you can, consider OSLA as your third-party service provider.
OSLA Loan Review FAQs
Is OSLA a federal loan?
Yes, OSLA, or the Oklahoma Student Loan Authority, is a federal student loan servicer. It has been in existence for 40 years helping students manage and repay their student loans.
Is OSLA a good loan servicer?
Yes, according to student loan planner, OSLA is one of the best loan servicers. Even though it is a for-profit servicer that doesn’t receive any state fund for operating expenses. One of its reputable strong hold is is its top notch customer service.
Can you pay OSLA student loans with a credit card?
Yes, you can. OSLA provides different payment outlets for borrowers for easy and timely payments. You may use any of the available online payment on OSLA websites to be on a safer side.
How do I contact OSLA?
You can contact OSLA through one of the following ways:
Mail: Email: MilitaryBenefits@osla.org.
Telephone: 844.835.7484.
FAX: 855.813.2224. or visit their website @ public.osla.org
What is OSLA?
OSLA is an acronym that stands for Okloham student Loan Authority, It is a third part servicing company that earns a living by helping students manage their loans. It was established in 1972 as a public trust and can help manage your loans regardless of your locations.
Reaying a debt is an obligation. While it may not be easy considering all your fiancial needs at the moment, you should alos remmebr that it is a loan you must pay.
Once you realize this, the best you can do is get a good loan servicing company. You should study the chart so well and choose a repayment plan that best suits you at every point. One of such service loan companies is the OKloham Student Loan Authority. It is reliable and has been helping students for the past 40 years.
This article answers all your questions on OSLA especially on if it is legit or scam. Even though OSLA has good repayment options and flexible plans, it is a legit company established in 1972. If you are looking for a service company, read through this article to discover amazing benefits that awaits you once you choose OSLA as your loan servicing company.
The post Osla Student Loan Review 2020: is Osla Legit or Scam appeared first on The Pakistan Post.