Google News Initiative Journalism Emergency Relief Fund 2020

Google News Initiative calls application for Journalism Emergency Relief Fund 2020

The Journalism Emergency Relief Fund is open to small and medium-sized news organizations producing original news for local communities during this time of crisis. In this context, “local” means a primary focus on a specific geographical target community.


Funds will be disbursed in one installment, in US dollars or Euros depending on the region. Funding amounts will range from the low thousands for small hyper-local newsrooms to low tens of thousands for larger newsrooms, with variations per region.


  • Small and medium-sized news organizations producing original news for local communities during this time of crisis.
  • Eligible applicants must have a digital presence and have been in operation for at least 12 months.
  • The Fund is targeted at newsrooms employing between 2 – 100 full-time employees (FTE) journalists.
  • Local publishers employing more than 100 FTE journalists can still apply and will be considered subject to Google’s discretion, based mainly on differing needs in different countries/regions.
  • Organizations must be incorporated or registered in one of the eligible geographies. Unincorporated organizations must be based in one of the eligible geographies.
  • Eligible applicants need to have a focus on core news provision, i.e. not a lifestyle, sports, business-to-business.
  • Eligible applicants can include for-profit or nonprofit traditional news organizations, digital natives, radio and/or TV broadcasters.
  • Government-owned entities and individuals are not eligible to apply


Candidates must provide basic information about their organization and the work they will be carrying out to assist communities in this time of crisis via our online application form. Candidates will also need to accept the Journalism Emergency Relief Fund Application Terms and Conditions. See the application form here.

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